ATC 4: Foraged and Found

Our Foraged and Found series of beers were released a short while ago in our bars. Three collabs we brewed with three brilliant breweries (Beerbliotek, Little Earth and Rocket) utilising locally foraged Scottish ingredients.

GORSE. Bretted Gorse brewed w/ Little Earth using locally foraged spring gorse [5%]

HEATHER. Honey Heather saison brewed w/ Sweden's Beerbliotek. Heather was foraged from the cairn o'Mount near the 6DN brewery [5.5%]

SPRUCE. Spruce wheat brewed with Danish brewery Rocket. Spruce was foraged from our brewer's garden and steeped for 12 hrs before the brew [3.9%]

Available as of tonight from our bars in Aberdeen, Stonehaven, Edinburgh and Glasgow.

On general release next week everywhere else.

Matt Carrington